
Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics: Mapping Divine and Human Agency is unavailable, but you can change that!

What is the relationship between divine and human agency in the interpretation of Scripture? Differing schools of thought often fail to address this key question, overemphasizing or ignoring one or the other. When the divine inspiration of Scripture is overemphasized, the varied roles of human authors tend to become muted in our approach the text. Conversely, when we think of the Bible almost...

but that the God who creates and sustains our circles also breaks into them, speaking: both confirming in us that which is true and pleasing and good and correcting that which is violent and oppressive.26 Redefining hermeneutical debates over methods, norms, and sources in this way—as divine theological-rhetorical hermeneutics—produces two effects. Both of these effects have limiting and freeing sides. The first effect is that we recognize that all readings of Scripture are theologically invested,
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